LINK project – Canada global partnership

LINK โ€“ “Improved Coordination and Investigation of Deliberate Biological Events” aims to improve health-security coordination and collaboration and develop new and more effective tools for prevention, detection, and response to deliberate biological incidents. Specifically, this project includes the development of a CBRN Global Database and Knowledge Management system, creation of a Smartphone App for the provision of resources and guidance for in-field investigation of deliberate outbreaks, and a comprehensive analysis of ASEAN agencies to assess and strengthen coordination across and within the health and security interface.

Key activities of the project are:

  • Emergency Preparedness/Response
  • Infrastructure/Equipment Support
  • Network Development/Outreach

The project is funded by the Global Partnership Program of Canada, and its beneficiaries are Brunei, Myanmar, Cambodia, Indonesia, Laos, Malaysia, Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam.

Project leader is Flinders University (Australia)

Additional information on the Stimson Center and Global Affairs Canada | Affaires mondiales Canada

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