The “Project to support operations in Lebanon on Cultural Heritage – PROTECT-HERITAGE” is an EU-funded project by DG HOME of the European Commission, implemented for a duration of 18 months. The project is funded through the European Union’s Internal Security Fund-Police
While aiming to boost operational cooperation between EU law enforcement authorities and partner country agencies, the project’s overall goal is to contribute to fight against trafficking of stolen and looted cultural property coming from outside the EU into the EU art market. During the project lifetime, the consortium will provide Lebanese law enforcement agencies with training on how to deal with illicit trafficking of cultural property – from identification to prosecution – in addition to the use of technologies to 3D map heritage sites and produce a database of stolen artefacts. Finally, specific activities will be carried out with the customs authorities, while the World Customs Organization (WCO) will administer the world-recognized PITCH training.
The project is implemented by Arma dei Carabinieri (lead), in partnership with B&S Europe, Netherlands Police (NPN), ICONEM, World Customs Organisation (WCO), and Osservatorio sulla Sicurezza e Difesa CBRNe (OSDIFE).
Project to support operations in Lebanon on Cultural Heritage – PROTECT-HERITAGE
Grant number 101037952 – Call: ISFP-2020-AG-OPC – Duration: 18 months.