CBRNe Summit Europe 2021, Brno, Czechia

L’Osservatorio sulla Sicurezza e la Difesa CBRNe – OSDIFE, l’Università di Roma “Tor Vergata” – Dipartimento di Ingegneria Elettronica e l’ Università Statale della Repubblica di San Marino – Centro Universitario di Formazione sulla Sicurezza, sono lieti di presentare il “CBRNe Summit Europe 2021″ che si terrà a Brno, Czech Republic il 30 Novembre – 2 Dicembre 2021.

L’evento, organizzato dal nostro partner Intelligence Sec, vede l’Osservatorio quale coordinatore scientifico e chair delle discussioni.

L’evento si concentrerà su una serie di argomenti chiave nel dominio CBRNe come capacità civili e militari a livello nazionale e regionale, minacce asimmetriche, tecniche di primo intervento, contromisure mediche alle minacce chem-bio, sviluppi nel settore della decontaminazione, contrasto della minaccia IED, CBRNe intelligence, CBRNe forensic e molto altro.

The Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence – OSDIFE, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of Electronic Engineering and the State University of Republic of San Marino – Center for Security Studies, as Scientific Organizers, with Intelligence-Sec, as Official Event Organizer, are pleased to present the “CBRNe Summit Europe 2021″ taking place in Brno, Czech Republic, 30 November – 2 December 2021.
The Event, endorsed by the NATO Joint Chemical, Biological, Radiological, Nuclear Centre of Excellence, will consist of three days of which will focus on a number of key topics across the whole CBRNe domain.

During the international event you will hear perspectives from military and civil officials who deal with CBRNe incidents. Many governments across the region have realised the importance of CBRNe capabilities and preparedness and budgets have been increased to deal with the new type of threats faced to civilians. CBRNe Summit Europe will focus on a number of key topics across the whole CBRNe domain such as capabilities of military and civil agencies, first responder techniques, asymmetrical threats, medical countermeasures to chem-bio threats, decontamination developments and techniques, countering IED’s, CBRNe threat intelligence, CBRNe forensics and many more.

Tra gli speakers confermati / Among the confirmed speakers

Chairman: Prof. Roberto Mugavero, OSDIFE
•Colonel David Martinek, Director, NATO Joint CBRN Centre of Excellence
•Colonel Jurgen Schlechter Commander, CBRN Center Ministry of Defence, Austria
•Colonel Wolfgang Reich, Deputy Director, NATO Joint CBRN Centre of Excellence
•Colonel Vratislav Osvald, Chief Cluster Support Cell, FNC Cluster CBRN Protection, Bundeswehr, Germany
•Lieutenant Colonel Herman de Haan Commander Defense CBRN Centre, Ministry of Defence, Netherlands
•Lieutenant Colonel Steve Jacobsen, Head of International Cooperation, Standardization and Doctrines Branch, CBRN Defence Command, Bundeswehr. Germany
•Lieutenant Colonel Jiří Matějka Head of Chemical Service, General Directorate of Fire Rescue Service, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic
•Police Lieutenant Colonel Nandor Kocsis, Head of CBRN Department, Counter Terrorism Centre, Hungary
•Tomáš Dropa, Director, National Institute for NBC Protection, Czech Republic
•Major Perry Read, Deputy Commander, Colorado CBRNe Enhanced Response Force Package – US Army, USA
•Lyudmila Simeonova, Head of CBRN Department, Fire Safety and Civil Protection Chief Directorate, Ministry of Interior, Bulgaria
•Captain Michal Setnicka HazMat Response Team, Fire Rescue Services, Ministry of Interior, Czech Republic

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