The Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence – OSDIFE, the European Centre for Disaster Medicine, the Harvard Medical Faculty Physicians, the State University of Republic of San Marino – Center for Security Studies, and the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” – Department of Electronic Engineering are pleased to present the “CBRNe Disaster & Incident Risk Management Online Course” taking place on 29-30 June 2023.
The increasing trend of natural, incidental and intentional CBRNe threats has highlighted the need to improve risk analysis, preparedness, mitigation, response and recovery capabilities in case of a unconventional events or incidents. The “CBRNe Disaster & Incident Risk Management” online Course is designed to provide participants with the basic knowledge and skills needed to effectively manage CBRNe events at regional and national levels.
Training program general objective: the Course covers a range of topics including CBRNe materials, prevention and protection measures, procedures and standards, risk assessment, response to a CBRNe event/incident, and inter-agency coordination and communication. Trainees will be encouraged to take part actively in the discussion and sessions throughout the Course.
Target Group: emergency management personnel, emergency medical services, fire service, governmental administrative, healthcare, law enforcement, armed forces, public health, public safety communications, and public works.
Course Main Topics:
•CBRNe risks and new threat scenarios.
•CBRN agents
•CBRNe detection
•CBRNe protection
•CBRNe decontamination
•CBRNe incident management
Methodology: 2 days Online training session with technical lectures, and a Table-Top Exercise from international experts (detailed programme attached).
Working time: 09:00 a.m. – 12:00 a.m./01:00 p.m. – 04:30 p.m. (Central European Time).
Trainers: Prof. Roberto Mugavero (European Centre for Disaster Medicine – Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence), Prof. Hee Jun Shin (Research Fellow, Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center Fellowship in Disaster Medicine, Medicine Specialist).
Place and Dates: Online, 29-30 June 2023.
Course Fee: 150 Euro. Payment via bank transfer (details in attachement) – Discout code for OSDIFE network available.
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