On May 13th 2017, from 9 to 13, there has been held the Conference “Right to Security” that took place at the Chamber of Commerce, Industry and Agriculture of Rieti, organized by “Confimprese Italia”, Professionals Federation (FdP), Italian Federation Professionals and Technicians (FIPET) and National Association Retired Fire Fighters (ANVVIC). The Event has been supported by Regional Council of Lazio; Board of Surveyors and graduated Surveyors of Rieti; Geosicur: National Association of Surveyors for Security; National Federation Buildings Administration and Union of Building Owners.
The event included prominent speakers belonging to Academic, Security and Institution field, illustrating thorny and key issues such as seismic risk, emergency management, structural monitoring and the formation of a specialist figure like the seismic security technician.
In particular, topics like the management of a territory affected by seismic phenomena, structural interventions and seismic risk reduction, risk classification, guidelines for UNI verification and training models for security technicians were discussed at the conference.
The Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence-OSDIFE, according to its mission of study, monitoring, analysis and dissemination, was present at the event with Dr Stefano Scaini, which delivered a speech about “Disaster Recovery of Structures affected by Seismic Events and Natural Disasters”.
Among the other experts, there were: Prof. Eng. Ugo Ianniruberto, professor of “Construction Engineering in Seismic Areas” at the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”; Dr Eng. Luigi Abate, Former General Manager of the National Firefighters Brigade; Eng. Giuseppe Capponi, teacher of Topography at the IIS of Via Tommaso Salvini; Dr Gian Paolo Venezia, National President Federazione delle Professioni; Dr Eng. Fabrizio Colcerasa, former Manager of the National Firefighters Brigade; Dr Francesco Nelli, Cittareale Mayor; Dr Eng. Fabrizio Desideri, President of Confimprese World; Geom. Alessandro Cellitti, National Secretary of Unione Nazionale Proprietari Immobili (USPI). Among the Institutions, there were the participation of Dr Eng. Maria Pannuti, Provincial Commander of the Rieti Firefighters Brigade; Dr Vincenzo Regnini, President of the Chamber of Commerce of Rieti and Dr Guido D’Amico, President of Confimprese Italia.
The conference was addressed especially to members of Institutions, Entrapreneurs, Professionals and University Students.