The Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence-OSDIFE have organized a Technical Seminar entitled “Terrorist and Asymmetric Threats Analysis Profiles” addressed to Armed and Police Forces present in the Campania region.
Due to the importance of the Event as well as the confidentiality of the topics dealt with, the Seminar was held at the Institutional Seat of Sant’Antonio Abate (NA) town hall, which was immediately made available to host the skilled participants.
In front of a large audience of participants, characterized especially by the presence of people belonging to Carabinieri, the Observatory has introduced the themes of the Terrorist and Asymmetric Threat extensively analyzing the strategic and tactic evolution of those criticalities, and generating high interest and fueling a constructive discussion with the audience.
Later, Stefano Scaini introduced the issues of “Dual Use” and the use of explosive and incediary improvised devices, contextualizing these criticalities to the current scenarios and outlining a true scale of priorities to be kept in mind in the various activities addressed to prevent and tackle the threats.
The Event, that after the summer break will continue with the organization of an International Training Course specifically addressed to the needs of territorial forces, ended with a presentation focused on the analysis of the chain of skills and technology supply of the terrorist organizations operating at International level.