OSDIFE at the International Training Course in Emergency Managament Psychology

The Observatory on Security and CBRNe Defence-OSDIFE firmly believes in the importance of the psychological component as a key factor for a comprehensive and resilient approach to natural or man-made events, and as a pivot around which to calibrate a Security “education” that involves as an active part not only the insiders but also the common people.

In this regard, OSDIFE, the University of Rome “Tor Vergata”, the University of the Republic of San Marino- Center for Security Training and Education stand shoulder to shoulder with Rampi Center, non-profit organization that has been involved in emergency prevention and training for more than thirty years, for the planning of the International Training Course in Emergency Management Psychology.

In particular, the 8th and 9th June, Eng. Valentina Sabato, OSDIFE Director, Dott. Di Muzio, Toxicologist and Dott. Coppolino, Research Analyst OSDIFE, had some lectures and showed the current geopolitical and geostrategic framework, especially towards CBRNe and asymmetric threats, and focused their attention on health risk as well as on toxicology aspect, with  the aim to highlight the psychological side of terrorism and the management of non conventional emergency events.

In accordance with the mission of the Observatory, the Course has the purpose to provide technical and practical skills as well as concrete competences in the Emergency Psychology field, and aims at enhance both individual and collective background, in order to train specialists able to operate with flexibility and effectively on natural or man-made emergency theatres.  

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